Candidate Status

Yuliya Rybalova

Last Update 4 tahun yang lalu

Candidate Status

There are 5 statuses in the Vision-CV system:

  • Waiting for a reply - an invitation was sent to a candidate

  • New - a new video reply

  • Waiting for a decision - a video reply was opened, but no action was made

  • Accepted - a candidate is accepted

  • Rejected - a candidate is rejected

Recruitment Stages

Job position can include more than one recruitment stage.

When your recruitment process has two or more stages, it would be visible in the candidate status column. 

You can clearly see at which step (Invited, Video Reply, Accepted, Rejected) and stage (#1, #2) your candidates are.

Example: When you have 2 recruitment stages and your candidate has passed the Recruitment Stage #1, you click the “Accept” button, so candidate receives automatically the invitation to Stage #2 and the status is changed to “Waiting for a reply Stage#2”

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